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Glossary of Environmental Protection

Ympäristönsuojelun sanasto
Ordlista om miljöskydd

The glossary is available:
- in the TEPA Term Bank
- in the Terminologies tool on the Interoperability Platform

Languages of the glossary:
- Terms: Finnish, Swedish, English
- Concept descriptions: Finnish

The Glossary of Environmental Protection was prepared by the Terminology Centre on the initiative of the Ministry of the Environment. The aim of the glossary is to support coherent processing of data related to environmental protection and to facilitate electronic services and communication.

The glossary contains 73 concepts on environmental protection, release, waste, and activities requiring permit, notification or registration. The content of the concepts is clarified with the help of definitions and complementing notes, which are given in Finnish. The concepts have been given term recommendations in Finnish and equivalents in Swedish and English. The relations between the concepts are illustrated by concept diagrams.