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Glossary of Geospatial Information in Statistics

Tilastoinnin paikkatietosanasto

© Statistics Finland, 2024
ISBN 978-952-244-729-6 (PDF, Tilastokeskus)

The glossary is available:
- in PDF format
- in the TEPA Term Bank
- in the Terminologies tool on the Interoperability Platform

Languages of the glossary:
- Terms: Finnish, English
- Concept descriptions: Finnish

The Glossary of Geospatial Information in Statistics has been compiled to support the project GSGF in Finland – Integration of geospatial and statistical information in Finland, GSFI. The glossary provides definitions for some central concepts related to statistics and geographic information and clarifies the use of terms. The glossary was made in 2023–2024 in cooperation between Statistics Finland, Finnish Terminology Centre, National Land Survey of Finland and Finnish Environment Institute.

The glossary contains 31 concepts related to the fields of statistics and geographic information. Each concept comprises a terminological description, and concept diagrams are used to illustrate the relations between concepts. Recommendations are given on which Finnish terms to use, and concepts include English equivalents.