Vocabulary of Mobile Communication (TSK 29)

Matkaviestinsanasto, Mobilordlista

© Finnish Centre for Technical Terminology, 2001
Publisher: Finnet Focus
ISBN 952-9794-13-4 (PDF, Finnish Centre for Technical Terminology)
ISBN 951-96626-5-0 (PDF, Finnet Focus)

Vocabulary available:
- in PDF format
- in the TEPA Term Bank

Languages of the vocabulary:
- Terms: Finnish, Swedish, English
- Concept descriptions: Finnish, Swedish, English

In 1993 Vocabulary of Mobile Communications (TSK 19) was published. This vocabulary served well for some time, but mobile communication has developed rapidly since then and the old vocabulary is not anymore up-to-date in many cases. Because of this, a group of telecommunications organizations decided to start a project with TSK to update the old vocabulary. Now a new revised vocabulary called Vocabulary of Mobile Communication is ready.

The subject fields dealt with in the new book are e.g. mobile communication systems, mobile networks, mobile services and different mobile equipment. Such radio engineering, information security and payment concepts that are important for mobile communication have also been included.

The vocabulary contains 365 term records. Terms are in Finnish and equivalents in Swedish and English. Definitions have been written in Finnish and then translated into Swedish and English. The vocabulary is available both in printed form and on CD-ROM in bookstores as well as in PDF format.