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Event, hobby and education classifications published

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In May 2021, The Finnish Terminology Centre and the City of Turku initiated a project to create classifications on events, recreational activities and education. The work took place under the umbrella of a more general project Asiakaslähtöinen toteutus tapahtuma-, harrastus- ja koulutusdatan hallinnoimiselle ja tarjoamiselle kohderyhmälähtöisissä näkymissä (Customer-oriented implementation for managing and providing event, hobby and training data in a target group-oriented outlook).

The aim of the classification work was to create a uniform data description model based on the use of classifications and ontologies, and in this way to promote semantic interoperability and make data description and data searching more user-friendly.

In the classification project, which was carried out in cooperation with subject field experts, four separate classifications were created: Events (content), Events (type), Hobbies, and Education. The classes have been labeled with terms in Finnish, Swedish and English. The classifications were published in the Reference Data tool in February 2022. The classifications are intended for the management of event, hobby and training data, and they can be used, for example, in a calendar implementation of a website.