Food Control Vocabulary

Elintarvikevalvonnan sanasto - ohje valvontakohteisiin ja valvontatietoihin liittyvien termien käytöstä
Ordlista för livsmedelstillsyn – Anvisning om användning av terminologin inom områdena kontrollobjekt och tillsynsdata

© Evira, 2010

Vocabulary available:
- in the TEPA Term Bank

The Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira and the Finnish Terminology Centre TSK have jointly compiled a vocabulary of food control in connection with the development project for data collection in municipal food control (KUTI). The primary target group of the vocabulary are the food control authorities, who will be able to utilize the vocabulary in order to unify the terminology used in their data systems.

The Food Control Vocabulary contains 135 concepts with definitions. The concepts have been given Finnish term recommendations and English and Swedish equivalents. The vocabulary also contains concept diagrams, which illustrate the relations between the concepts. The first part of the vocabulary was completed at the beginning of 2008 and the second part was finished in the autumn of 2010.