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Glossary of technical networks

Teknisten verkkojen sanasto
Ministry of the Environment, 2024

The glossary is available:
- in the Terminologies Tool on the Interoperability Platform

Languages of the glossary:
- Terms: Finnish
- Concept descriptions: Finnish

The glossary Teknisten verkkojen sanasto (Glossary of technical networks) was prepared by Ramboll Finland Oy and the Finnish Terminology Centre in a project commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment. The glossary contains 34 concepts related to technical networks and Finnish term recommendations for them. The content of the concepts is clarified with definitions and complementing notes, which are given in Finnish. A core data model of technical networks (Teknisten verkkojen ydintietomalli in the Data Vocabularies Tool), was prepared in the same project and is linked to the glossary.

The purpose of the glossary is to support the creation of data components and the coherent presentation of information regarding different technical networks, such as water supply, electricity and communications networks. Connections to concepts of the upper ontology of built environment (Rakennetun ympäristön yläontologia) and to upper-level concepts used across public administration have especially been taken into consideration.

The glossary was prepared by a working group of experts from Ramboll Finland Oy and the Terminology Centre with the support of the project’s steering group and a subject field specialist group formed by the Ministry of the Environment. The glossary group was led by the Terminology Centre’s terminologist, who was responsible for the terminology work.