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A terminology covering services that are mutual for social affairs and health and economic affairs

© Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Finnish Terminology Centre TSK, 2020
ISBN 978-952-327-479-2 (PDF, Ministry of Economic Affairs)

The terminology is available:
- in PDF format
- in the TEPA Term Bank

Languages of the terminology:
- Terms: Finnish
- Concept descriptions: Finnish

In 2019, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Finnish Terminology Centre carried out a terminology project which resulted in a terminology entitled Sosiaali-, terveys- sekä työ- ja elinkeinoalojen yhteisten palvelujen sanasto (a terminology covering services that are mutual for social affairs and health and economic affairs). The terminology contains 34 concepts which are given Finnish terms and definitions. In addition to services, the concepts are related to plans and persons.

The aim of the project was to draw up harmonized definitions for services that are essential from the point of view of co-operation between ministries as well as to define the concepts in such a way that they can be used in preparation of statutes, for example.

The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare participated in the terminology work as well.