© Finnish Centre for Technical Terminology, 2002
ISBN 952-9794-16-9 (PDF)
ISSN 0359-5390 (PDF)
The terminology is available:
- in PDF format
- in the TEPA Term Bank
Languages of the terminology:
- Terms: Finnish, Swedish, English
- Definitions: Finnish
Navigation and positioning are becoming part of everyday life in Finland. Terms belonging to this special field can be found in newspapers and other mass media. The Finnish Centre for Technical Terminology, TSK, has compiled and published Paikannussanasto (TSK 30), the Vocabulary of Positioning, to clarify communication dealing with positioning.
The Vocabulary of Positioning explains the meaning of about hundred basic concepts of the field. In addition, the vocabulary also explains a few abbreviations related to positioning. Definitions and notes are in Finnish, and equivalents for the Finnish terms are given in Swedish and English. The vocabulary also contains concept diagrams to illustrate relationships between concepts.
For example positioning systems and methods, location and location-based services and different positioning devices are defined in the vocabulary. The vocabulary focuses mainly on such navigation and guidance methods that are based on the use of mobile stations and different positioning devices.
The Vocabulary of Positioning has been compiled as part of the Personal Navigation (NAVI) programme which is a research, development and technology programme launched in 2000 by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Finland. The aim of the programme is to develop and test mobile network location services, locatable devices and various guidance services and other applications.
The vocabulary was compiled in cooperation between the Finnish Centre for Technical Terminology and special field experts from the Helsinki Institute of Technology, the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics at the Helsinki University of Technology, Navinova, Nokia Networks, Sonera, Suomen 2G, VTT Building and Transport and VTT Information Technology.