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Vocabulary of Safety and Health at Work (TSK 35)

Työsuojelusanasto, Arbetarskyddsordlista, Arbeitsschutzglossar, Vocabulaire de la santé et de la sécurité au travail

© Finnish Terminology Centre TSK, 2006
Publisher: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
ISBN 951-802-698-X (paperback)

The terminology is available:
- in the TEPA Term Bank

Languages of the terminology:
- Terms: Finnish, Swedish, English, German, French
- Concept descriptions: Finnish, Swedish

The Vocabulary of Safety and Health at Work (TSK 35) contains 465 concepts with Finnish term recommendations, definitions and notes. The equivalents are given in Swedish, English, German and French. The definitions and notes have been translated into Swedish. The target group for the vocabulary are primarily the experts of safety and health at work.

Safety and health at work is a versatile special field which is connected with many other special fields from medicine to mechanical engineering. The chapters of the vocabulary include occupational health, safety at work, work environment, risk management, administration of working life and organizing of safety and health at work as well as important registers, methods and cooperation organizations.

The new Vocabulary of Safety and Health at Work is based on an old vocabulary published in 1985. The development of the field in two decades is reflected on the content of the vocabulary. Many new concepts have been added, e.g. nowadays the psychosocial work environment gets much attention.

The Finnish conditions and legislature form the basis for the vocabulary. Therefore the aim has been to choose the equivalents in other languages so that they correspond to the Finnish definition as well as possible. For example, limit values and occupational diseases may be defined differently in other countries.

Such Swedish terms were mainly chosen that are established both in Finland and in Sweden. In some cases it was necessary to include geographical variants since the Finnish and Swedish social systems are different, and this has caused variation in terms. It was difficult to find equivalents especially in the field of organizing of safety and health at work since the systems differ so much in various countries.

The workgroup that compiled the Vocabulary of Safety and Health at Work has updated some of the term recommendations and definitions of the vocabulary in 2008. These updates have been published as a supplement that is distributed between the printed Vocabulary of Safety and Health at Work and as a PDF file. The following term records of the printed vocabulary have been updated: 6, 17, 28, 126, 165, 172, 173, 177, 182, 192, 193, 196, 280, 336, 372, and 441. These term records have also been updated in the TEPA term bank.