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Vocabulary of the Register of the Objects of Control of Environmental Health Care – Objects of Control

Ympäristöterveydenhuollon valvontakohderekisterin sanasto – Valvontakohteet (YHTI 1)
Ordlista för tillsynsobjektsregistret inom miljö- och hälsoskyddet – Tillsynsobjekten (YHTI 1)

© Finnish Terminology Centre TSK, 2011

Vocabulary available:
- in the TEPA Term Bank

Languages of the vocabulary:
- Terms: Finnish, Swedish, English
- Concept descriptions: Finnish

The three-language Vocabulary of the Register of the Objects of Control of Environmental Health Care – Objects of Control, compiled jointly by the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health, the Consumer Agency and the Finnish Terminology Centre TSK, was published in December 2009. The terminology project was started in 2008 in connection with a project aiming at developing data collection related to the control of environmental health care. One of the aims of the terminology project was to support the development of an information system for environmental health care control. The concepts included in the vocabulary relate to subfields of environmental health care control, i.e. health protection, control of chemicals, tobacco and product safety.

The vocabulary contains about 60 concepts which are defined and given Finnish term recommendations and Swedish and English equivalents. Relations between concepts have been illustrated by means of concept diagrams (in Finnish).