Concepts on security of electricity production and supply
Sähköntuotannon ja -jakelun huoltovarmuuteen liittyviä käsitteitä
© SESKO ry, 2023
The glossary is available:
- in PDF format
- in the TEPA Term Bank
Languages of the glossary:
- Terms: Finnish, Swedish, English
- Concept descriptions: Finnish
Sähköntuotannon ja -jakelun huoltovarmuuteen liittyviä käsitteitä (concepts on security of electricity production and supply) was compiled in cooperation between the Finnish Terminology Centre and SESKO (the Finnish electrotechnical standardization organization). The mini glossary contains ten key concepts related to the security of supply in the electricity sector. The concepts have been given term recommendations and concept descriptions in Finnish and equivalents in Swedish and English. The relations between the concepts are illustrated by concept diagrams. Some closely related concepts from the Vocabulary of Comprehensive Security and the Glossary of Internal Security are also included in the glossary.