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Glossary of Discretionary Government Grant Terms, Extended Second Edition

Valtionavustustoiminnan sanasto, 2. laajennettu laitos, Ordlista för statsunderstöd, andra utökade upplagan

Valtiovarainministeriö CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 2023
ISBN 978-952-367-246-8 (PDF, Ministry of Finance)
ISSN 1797-9714 (PDF, Ministry of Finance)

The glossary is available:
- in PDF format, Publications of the Ministry of Finance: 2023:33
- in PDF format, Finnish Version (Terms: Finnish, Swedish, English; Concept descriptions: Finnish)
- in PDF format, Swedish Version (Terms: Finnish, Swedish, English; Concept descriptions: Swedish)
- in PDF format, English Version (Terms: Finnish, Swedish, English; Concept descriptions: English)
- in the TEPA Term Bank
- in the Finnish Government Termbank Valter
- in the Terminologies Tool on the Interoperability Platform

Languages of the glossary:
- Terms: Finnish, Swedish, English
- Concept descriptions: Finnish, Swedish, English

The Glossary of Discretionary Government Grant Terms defines 234 concepts related to government grant activities, providing national term recommendations in Finnish and term equivalents in Swedish and English. The Finnish definitions, complementary notes and concept diagrams have been translated into Swedish and English.

The purpose of the project was to clarify and harmonise concepts used by more than 90 government grant authorities. The glossary assists even government grant applicants to comprehensibly and uniformly communicate on government grants. With common concepts, it is also possible to harmonise the information collected from the government grant activities in order to demonstrate the effects achieved by activities financed by government grants.

The first edition of the glossary was published in 2020, and it was and extended in 2021 and 2022. The part of the glossary that was published first contains concepts related to the types of government grants and the interaction between the government grant authorities and the applicants. The subjects covered in the first edition include, for example, applying for government grants, processing of the applications, decision-making and the resulting documents.

For the second edition, the glossary was complemented with concepts related to government grant-financed activities, ability to have an effect, evaluation and finances, as well as the resources needed in grant-financed activities.

The Finnish version of the glossary was prepared in collaboration with government grant applicants and specialists from several branches of government. The terminology work was carried out by a terminologist from the Finnish Terminology Centre together with a specialist from CSC – IT Center for Science. The Swedish and English versions of the glossary were drawn up by the Translation and Language Division of the Prime Minister’s Office.