Terminology of vocational education and training

KARKKI project CC BY-NC 4.0 2023 

The glossary is available: 
- in PDF format 
- in the TEPA Term Bank 
- in the Terminologies tool on the Interoperability Platform

Languages of the glossary: 
- Terms: Finnish 
- Concept descriptions: Finnish 

The glossary Ammatillisen koulutuksen käsitteitä (terminology of vocational education and training) was prepared by the Finnish Terminology Centre in cooperation with the project KARKKI – Kokonaisarkkitehtuuria ammatilliseen koulutukseen (enterprise architecture development in vocational education and training). The term of the project is 1.1.2022–31.12.2023. The project was funded with a special grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The glossary contains 17 concepts related to vocational education and training (VET). The concepts have been given term recommendations in Finnish and the content of the concepts is clarified with the help of definitions and complementing notes. The relations between the concepts are illustrated by concept diagrams.

The purpose of the glossary is to clarify VET concepts in order to promote communication, exchange of information and interoperability. The glossary is aimed at VET organizers and their information system providers, and it may also be useful to others who need information on VET concepts.

The 2nd edition of the Glossary of Education has been used as a basis for the term recommendations, definitions and complementing notes. Other references used include legislation on vocational education and training, national requirements for vocational qualifications and the conceptual models constructed in the KARKKI project.

Experts from the KARKKI project participated in the terminology work, which was led by a terminology expert of the Finnish Terminology Centre. The working group also received information and comments from other experts.