Terminology work for the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency

In 2018–2019, the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency in collaboration with the Finnish Terminology Centre, conducted a project aimed at defining seven concepts related to the agency’s stakeholders. The purpose of this terminology work was to support the implementation of the agency’s strategy.

Terminology work on basic education in the arts

In 2010, the Finnish Terminology Centre and the Ministry of Education and Culture launched a joint terminology project on concepts related to the field of education. This resulted in the publication of the Glossary of Education, whose third edition was published in April 2024. The aim of the glossary is to support the implementation of online services and information architecture and the communication between data producers, data users and information systems.

New concept descriptions in MAO/TAO ontology

MAO/TAO ontology on the Finnish Thesaurus and Ontology Service (Finto)

The Finnish Heritage Agency, the Church Council and the Finnish Terminology Centre carried out a joint terminology project at the end of 2022 and early 2023. In the project, around 100 concepts related to ecclesiastical built heritage were given concept descriptions. In 2023, the Finnish Heritage Agency commissioned the Finnish Terminology Centre for another project with the aim of providing concept descriptions for around 20 concepts related to archaeological heritage.

Glossary of data structures in environmental protection

The Ministry of the Environment commissioned the Finnish Terminology Centre for a terminology project in December 2023. The aim of the project is to support coherent processing of data related to environmental protection and to facilitate electronic services and communication. The glossary will contain some 60 concepts. The terms and concept descriptions will be given in Finnish and term equivalents in Swedish and English.

Updates and new concepts to the Glossary of Integration

The first edition of the Glossary of Integration was published in 2021. In autumn 2023, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland commissioned the Finnish Terminology Centre to undertake a terminology project with the aim of updating 15 concept descriptions of the glossary and expanding the glossary with new concepts. The concepts will be given Finnish terms and equivalents in Swedish and English. The concept descriptions will be given in all three languages.

Glossary of geographic data in statistics

Statistics Finland commissioned the Finnish Terminology Centre for a terminology project in autumn 2023. The aim of the project is to provide definitions in Finnish for some 30 concepts related to geographic data in statistics. In addition to Finnish, the terms will also be given in English. Terminology work is done to support the project GSGF in Finland – Integration of geospatial and statistical information in Finland, GSFI.

Glossary of continuous learning

The Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland commissioned the Finnish Terminology Centre for a terminology project in 2020. The purpose of the project was to harmonise and provide definitions for concepts related to continuous learning. Expert feedback on the draft glossary was requested from interest groups at the end of the first phase of the project in 2021.